We lost Andrew Prowse in December 2018… and I still don’t have coherent words… so please allow me to ramble a bit with a few random thoughts and memories. Continue reading “RIP Andrew Prowse”
Category: Good People
Who Wants a Piece of Moya, 2018 Edition
And it’s not just an actual piece of Moya, but also a signed (and personalized, if you like) Farscape shooting script! Continue reading “Who Wants a Piece of Moya, 2018 Edition”
Reflections upon Reflections on the 19th of March
Today being the day that it is, I had intended to write a pithy and poignant post reminiscing about my happy days on Farscape…
Continue reading “Reflections upon Reflections on the 19th of March”
Another chance to get a piece of Moya!
And it’s not just an actual piece of Moya, but also a signed (and personalized, if you like) Farscape shooting script! Continue reading “Another chance to get a piece of Moya!”
Reflections on the 19th of March
16 years ago (3/19/1999), #Farscape premiered on Sci-Fi! I watched it on my laptop in a Sydney hotel room. Streaming. On dialup. Not ideal.
— Richard Manning (@froonium) March 19, 2015
“Liz Tells Frank” Gets a Foreword by Me
For eight years on her blog, Liz Shannon Miller has been telling her friend Frank about TV series, movies, and books that he’s missed, helping him catch up on the good stuff and avoid the less-good stuff. Continue reading ““Liz Tells Frank” Gets a Foreword by Me”
RIP Emily Salzfass
“I’m learning to love myself despite my kitten problem.” – Emily Salzfass
A lot of people in a lot of places and a lot of fandoms are grieving today at the loss of Makiko aka Sab aka Makikosab aka, simply, Em. Continue reading “RIP Emily Salzfass”
RIP Harry Harrison

Science fiction author and SFWA Grand Master Harry Harrison (the Deathworld series, the Stainless Steel Rat series, the novel Make Room! Make Room! which was the basis for the film Soylent Green, the satirical Bill, the Galactic Hero series, and many, many, many more) has just passed away at the age of 87. Continue reading “RIP Harry Harrison”
RIP Jonathan Hardy
Jonathan Hardy, the voice of Farscape’s Rygel, has passed away at the age of 71. Continue reading “RIP Jonathan Hardy”
Ricky’s Farscape CreationCon Report and Picspam
“Thanks for the Memories”…

Since 2000, Creation Entertainment has hosted annual Farscape fan conventions.
What’s a “fan convention,” you might ask? Simply this:
An opportunity for the cast and crew to meet the fans! Continue reading “Ricky’s Farscape CreationCon Report and Picspam”