A few random musings on attending and speaking at the 2010 Farscape Convention…
- Farscape has the Best Fandom Ever. Lunatics all, but charmingly so.
- The Los Angeles Right Under the LAX Approach Path Marriott Hotel has perhaps the worst public address system I’ve ever heard; my ears are still bleeding.
- Ben Browder is still pretty. And funny.
- Ditto Fran, only moreso.
- Public speaking is much more fun if you wing it entirely with little or no regard for the truth.
- When e’er my profession seems drab or burdensome, I have only to remember two words: writer groupies.
- Few people live up to the sobriquet raconteur as well as Jonathan Hardy.
- Did I mention that our fans are utterly crazy?
- Nobody holds a candle to Virginia Hey, because she makes her own.
- A Farscape con is the one place on Earth where I can’t say “I’ll be easy to spot because I’ll be wearing a Mambo Loud Shirt.”
- ETA: Thanks for the happy snap, Tina!
Scapers are the best and crazy but most of us are repetitively harmless. It was great to see you again. ๐
Likewise! (But we’ve got to stop meeting at semi-cheap hotels.)
Well you know I am poor so that’s the most I can afford.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Richard Manning, Bluesolis. Bluesolis said: RT @froonium: Blog dusted off and at long last updated post-#Farscape (aka #tricon) convention: http://froonium.com/?p=521 […]
writer groupies
I… resemble that remark? Maybe? Possibly? (the non-fawning variety!) ๐
ANYway, it was fun & refreshing to be able to listen to someone else talk about teaching for a change. Even if it came with sports-bar football tv. ๐
:::100% agreement with bullet points 3 & 4:::
I have it on good authority that there’s a fantasy football convention being held in Atlantic City, and the hotel bar TVs are all playing Firefly, Farscape, Doctor Who, Stargate,, and Manimal. So it all evens out.
o_O Now that’s just cruel. *g*
[Also, Google images + Manimal = OMG there is no way to un-see THAT! =:-O ]
And serendipitously La M and I were together this weekend…watching Fringe but still thinking of you. Glad to hear you were there and it is still…still. 1001110111000010. (aka digital squee)
Well, ’twasn’t remotely the same without you two, ditto Con & Bron & company, but Teri & Jul snuck in (and there was much rejoicing). While you’ve been watching Fringe, I’ve been watching Sherlock, and have squeed at more than one location I’ve recognized as HAVING BEEN THERE WITH FI!
Best start to your panel, reading a script, then tearing it up on us! ;D Thanks for a great first con; hope to see you at more!
Back atcha! Glad you enjoyed it! And congrats on losing your con virginity.
I felt alot of SciFi love vibes from you? Along with the FOX reminder and Ben’s unusual forthrightness ALL with no real rumors…………..
Also how would ep 5×01 have ended? ๐
Thanks for coming!
Well, of course, Ben lies; he’s an ac-tor, you can’t believe a word he says; whereas I speak naught but truth.
How would 5×01 have ended? …BADLY!
It was great to see you again! Enjoy the hooch.
Hey. I think you’re wearing my shirt. Missed you and everyone this year. Thanks for the 10 bullet point description of the weekend. Closed my eyes and could picture it completely.
Missed the mayhem of The Con, but had a great gathering with Bron, Doc, Pye, and Fred over the weekend in Boston. The Lunacy of the Scaper Horde (and its local contingents) cannot be matched when it comes to good company. ๐
Bet your weather was better, tho… *sneezes*
[…] Ricky has a GREAT blog post on his recent appearance at the Farscape convention in Los […]